Los Cafres
  • Los Cafres

    ✨ Los Cafres is a reggae band from Argentina that has been active since the late 1980s. Their music is characterized by a fusion of roots reggae with Latin American rhythms and rock influences. Over the years, they have become one of the most popular and influential bands in the Latin American reggae scene. Their lyrics often touch on social and political issues, and their live performances are known for their high energy and positive vibes.

    🧑‍🎤 Artist Type: Band
    ⏳ Years Active: Late 1980s - Present
    🌍 Nationality: Argentine
    📍 Residence: Argentina
    🎸 Genres: Reggae, Latin, Rock
    👨‍👩‍👧 Members: Guillermo Bonetto, Gonzalo Albornoz, Claudio Illobre, Juan Ruffo, Francisco "Pancho" Sazo, and Diego "Negro" Bianchi.