Living Legends is an American independent hip hop supergroup
from California consisting of Murs, Luckyiam, Sunspot Jonz, The
Grouch, Eligh, Scarub, Aesop The Black Wolf and Bicaso.
Originating in the mid 1990s, the crew garnered a strong
grassroots following by selling their home recorded cassettes and
CD's out of their backpacks on Bay Area streets. The group self
funded countless of their own world tours and have remain
completely independent to this day with a f*ck the industry ethos.
As a collective they have recorded six albums to date with a long
awaited full length, "The Return" slated for release on November
24, 2023. Each member of the group is an active solo artist and
combined they have hundreds of projects under their belts.
Living Legends continue to touch people worldwide with their raw
truthful raps and unique sound giving listeners a feeling through
the music that can not be attained anywhere else.