Sonido Gallo Negro, Sonido de la Frontera, La Cosecha Internacional, Pita Zapot
  • Sonido Gallo Negro

    Sonido Gallo Negro

    Sonido Gallo Negro is a band from Mexico City going back to the roots of psychedelic tropical music with guitars, eccentric organs, analog synthesizers, theremin... they mix exotic rarity and esoterism which will alter your perception and force you to dance until you get exhausted. Add to it visual hypnotics and live performance by Dr. Alderete.

    Since 2010, they have had multiple tours around Europe and America, visited 20 countries and more than 50 cities. Five studio albums later, they became one of the most recognized bands of Mexico City.
  • Sonido de la Frontera

    Sonido de la Frontera

  • La Cosecha Internacional

    La Cosecha Internacional

  • Pita Zapot

    Pita Zapot